Along with millions of people around the globe, we marched in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington here in Nashville yesterday. In an effort to get ourselves organized and have a little fun, I invited friends, students, and colleagues over to my house before the march for coffee, donuts, and carpooling. I will never forget the feelings of pride, connection, inspiration, sorrow, and hope that welled up in my chest as I listened to the stories that unfolded in my little living room yesterday morning. As we went around the room and shared the reasons that we were marching, I was filled with awe for those who are not afraid to speak out and stand up. With humility and hope for a bright future, here are just a few of the reasons shared for why we march:
Because we are undocumented, and we fear for our safety and well-being.
Because we are pastors, who lead other women in the context of spiritual communities.
Because we are LGBTQIA and we fear for our jobs and our freedom to love who we love.
Because our fore-mothers hold subordinate places in our history books.
Because we honor all of the people who marched before us.
Because less than 100 years ago we couldn't even vote.
Because we are students, and not very long ago, women in our country were denied the right to education.
Because we have privilege, and we are learning to use it wisely.
Because no one should be able to grab our pussies without consent.
Because violence against women and rape culture is rampant.
Because real men are disgusted by "locker room talk".
Because we are harassed and threatened at work when we share our opinions.
Because we are people of color, who have been oppressed and marginalized.
Because we need health care.
Because we are feminists.
Because we are people of faith.
Because love casts out fear.
Because we will not be silent.
Because we are social workers.
Because this is what democracy looks like.
Because we are AWAKE.