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Original Blessing

But if we could start from a place of blessing, of divinity, of goodness, of joy, of whimsical creativity, how different life could be! If we preached about abundant life, and the beauty of creation, and how each unique human being has a God-shaped thumbprint right smack-dab in the middle of their souls leftover from when they were carefully, intentionally crafted, I firmly believe that we would see a drop in depression rates, anxiety rates, isolation, fear, etc.


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6 Ways I'm Learning to Take Up Space

We, as women, are socialized to be small. We are taught to shrink, and be quiet, and to contort our vocations into limited, gendered roles that often don't fit who we are...all the while, contorting our bodies to slip into a size 4 so we look slim while doing it.

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Why We March

As we went around the room and shared the reasons that we were marching, I was filled with awe for those who are not afraid to speak out and stand up. With humility and hope for a bright future, here are just a few of the reasons shared for why we march...
