Due to the fancy footwork of those who came before me and to the generous donations of a number of churches across the state of Missouri, the MI Team was able to begin working with private drillers across the country to jump start this program a few years ago. Now, we quite literally save hundreds and even thousands of lives through these wells on a regular basis. The recent success of our safe water projects is largely attributed to the foundation of wisdom and a rich network of relationships that were built long before I took the position. I am elated to report that the next generation of people who are dedicated to God's work in Mozambique are harvesting the fruit of seeds that were planted long ago. Indeed, my inheritance is beautiful to me. Click the "Contact the Misfit" link above to find out how you can get in touch and contribute.
Due to the fancy footwork of those who came before me and to the generous donations of a number of churches across the state of Missouri, the MI Team was able to begin working with private drillers across the country to jump start this program a few years ago. Now, we quite literally save hundreds and even thousands of lives through these wells on a regular basis. The recent success of our safe water projects is largely attributed to the foundation of wisdom and a rich network of relationships that were built long before I took the position. I am elated to report that the next generation of people who are dedicated to God's work in Mozambique are harvesting the fruit of seeds that were planted long ago. Indeed, my inheritance is beautiful to me. Click the "Contact the Misfit" link above to find out how you can get in touch and contribute.